Drama Curriculum Through Active Learning is Elementary My Friends!

Drama Curriculum Active Learning

Drama Curriculum is Active Learning

I saw this quote on a science curriculum site and I thought, “That’s it, that’s what I’ve been saying forever–how drama curriculum, through active learning, is everything any school needs to incorporate all their recommended skill sets into just one lesson!”

Here’s the quote, a Chinese Proverb, are you ready, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Engage me and I learn.”

It’s simple really, by actively participating in activities, rather than just observing others do them, we remember them. Our experiences become the stories we tell, to entertain over a campfire, at a family get-together, or just in the car on our way to our kid’s soccer game. Our experiences are our stories, the things we enjoy, the things we talk about and the things that matter to us. All else is water under the bridge.

The Anytime Drama curriculum is active-learning curriculum that your kids will remember and enjoy. They will gain all the skill sets you require them to learn and so many more that you don’t. It is fun, easy-to-teach and it will engage them, no matter their age. Active learning through drama, “Engage me and I learn,” stands the test of time and place. Anytime Drama is for you to teach, ANY time, ANY place and for ANY reason you need to fulfill. Drama curriculum through active learning is certainly…elementary my dear friends!